Friday, March 28, 2014

The Subject of Religion Came Up

The Subject of Religion Came Up as it was mentioned in our Constitution. Christianity is not the religion of our Constitution here is the United States.
Our founding father knew that the early settlers in the 13 colonies were persecuted because of their beliefs in religion and were sent here so as not to bother the Kings of Europe. So our founding fathers wrote in our Constitution that religion was not to be incorporated in our way of governing. They also said we could believe as we pleased about Religion.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

I have evolved.

The sun and its light will warm the deepest part of the earth.
There is a place in the kitchen for "this mind".
"This mind" is yours if you want it that way.
Whatever you decide is all right with the wording of this document.
There is a place at this desk for your mind. No matter what we do. We are capable of seeing the person that we are.
We are capable of being enlightened by just being on the job or on the floor. Walking or driving, sitting or standing, picking the fruit or writing the review, it does not matter. As long as the sun shines in our environment it will enlighten our being.

Those rays of light are there to enlighten us in our darkest hour.
Is it that simple?
Yes all of those religious documents speak in the most simple of terms and they are to the point.
So if we are here at the computer or at the seashore it matters. Lights sparkles our daylight and warms our days. When we sleep at night we have a hope that the next day will be brighter than today. Our dream is always of being enlightened by the good news that is deposited in our paths tomorrow. That is faith.

We can chant or move our senses closer to death or to the point of nothing. There is a moment where death is on one side of nothing and light is on the other side. Most folks will choose the light. Your senses will see the light, discover the moment, and be. Words that were far away will be very close. And the phrase "and the word was god" will be understood; the moment that Buddha was there you will understand. The moment that Jesus said, "Father forgive them; for they know not what the do" you will understand. You will understand the simplicity of Gandhi and why he weaved the cloth or started Tolstoy Farm.

So wherever you are at, you are there, deposited in the space provided by your life, believing in whatever suits your fancy.
Logic will move your mind to different spheres or realms of thought but you will always be in the light whether you are alive or buried in the deepest part of the earth.
The sun and its light will warm the deepest part of the earth.

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