Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On NARFE Western Kentucky

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees members in Western Kentucky are old and tired. We as a group have worked hard for the Federal Government and have aged nicely. We now belong to NARFE and continue to fight for our benefits (retirement and healthcare).
The government as a whole finds us to be a burden (we worked hard and earned our benefits) and is finding ways to put us to sleep and quiet our fight. Taxes pay for our benefits. "NO NEW TAXES" are shouted from the rooftops so Congress as I said, "wants us to go away."
NARFE as a group is trying to tell the young lions to join us but they have other concerns and are not worried about their health or retirement funds.
As a group we at NARFE are getting so old that it is an effort to just get up in the morning. Asking us to join the fight and go to a meeting is almost impossible.
So we shout on the rooftops and soapboxes and yell at our nephews to please, "HELP US!"

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